School recently started for me, so I won't be able to update much. That and the fact that my laptop broke, my brother won't let me use his computer, my dad won't let me use his laptop, and the only computer I can use at the moment is the one in my parent's room. -_-" Anyway, school started for me on Wednesday. It wasn't extremely exciting, nerve wracking, or anything. I was actually bored. But when I got home, about an hour later, I passed out on the couch. xD Today was the 3rd day of school, and it was even MORE boring today than the first day (even though there was some talk about a certain male teacher who was said to be a huge fan of Justin Bieber and was at his concert). The only mildly entertaining part of school this past week was there's this guy in my Com. Arts class who said, "Somebody farted! Who farted?" then someone suddenly said, "I did! :D". And whenever someone said, "Who farted?" (even if no one did), that same guy would say, "I did! :D".
Yesterday was a very special day for my grandparents. It was their 50th year anniversary! Relatives and friends from New York, Florida, and other places went all the way to Missouri for this! :) I'm happy that they made it all the way to 50 years. My parents, uncles, and aunts have been planning this for a long time now. And surprisingly, it was fun! Except the part where the adults started dancing... O_O That was kinda awkward. But the best part was when I took a helium balloon and sucked in some air. It made my voice really weird sounding when I talk, but didn't do anything when I sung. But after a while I started getting dizzy. xD

    Kat's corner

    Kat isn't my real name. Someone just started calling me that at school. -_-" But I don't want to use my real name, so that's what I used! Anyway, I'll be writing about random stuff here. I'm not really the most organized person in the world, so the categories might not make sense sometimes.


    August 2010
    July 2010



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