Yesterday was a very special day for my grandparents. It was their 50th year anniversary! Relatives and friends from New York, Florida, and other places went all the way to Missouri for this! :) I'm happy that they made it all the way to 50 years. My parents, uncles, and aunts have been planning this for a long time now. And surprisingly, it was fun! Except the part where the adults started dancing... O_O That was kinda awkward. But the best part was when I took a helium balloon and sucked in some air. It made my voice really weird sounding when I talk, but didn't do anything when I sung. But after a while I started getting dizzy. xD

    Kat's corner

    Kat isn't my real name. Someone just started calling me that at school. -_-" But I don't want to use my real name, so that's what I used! Anyway, I'll be writing about random stuff here. I'm not really the most organized person in the world, so the categories might not make sense sometimes.


    August 2010
    July 2010



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